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All of IOT Starting with the Latest Raspberry Pi from Beginner to Advanced – Volume 1 | |
All of IOT Starting with the Latest Raspberry Pi from Beginner to Advanced – Volume 2 |
출판된 한글판 도서
최신 라즈베리파이(Raspberry
Pi)로 시작하는 사물인터넷(IOT)의 모든 것 – 초보에서 고급까지 (상) |
최신 라즈베리파이(Raspberry
Pi)로 시작하는 사물인터넷(IOT)의 모든 것 – 초보에서 고급까지 (하) |
Original Book Contents
3.9 Camera
With Raspberry Pi, you can also use the camera to record various types of pictures or record movies. There are many kinds of cameras that can be connected to Raspberry Pi, and there are two types of camera that supports USB camera and supports CSI port of Raspberry Pi on a large scale.
3.9.1 USB Camera
The USB camera is easily available on the market. It is connected to the USB port and does not need any special installation work.
Figure 3‑13 USB camera