Raspberry Pi_Eng_04.1.2 Reviewing Major Operating Systems

Published Book on Amazon

All of IOT Starting with the Latest Raspberry Pi from Beginner to Advanced – Volume 1
All of IOT Starting with the Latest Raspberry Pi from Beginner to Advanced – Volume 2

출판된 한글판 도서

최신 라즈베리파이(Raspberry

Pi)로 시작하는 사물인터넷(IOT)의 모든 것 – 초보에서 고급까지 (상)

최신 라즈베리파이(Raspberry

Pi)로 시작하는 사물인터넷(IOT)의 모든 것 – 초보에서 고급까지 (하)

Original Book Contents

4.1.2     Reviewing Major Operating Systems       Linux Related Operation Systems




Raspbian is a free operating system optimized for Raspberry Pi hardware based on the Debian distribution. More than 35,000 pre-compiled programs within packages as well as a pure operating system are provided with bundle in a form that can be easily installed on Raspberry Pi.


Raspbian is officially an operating system provided by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, but it is not actually created by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, but by some dedicated developer team that likes Raspberry Pi.


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   Pidora -- Fedora Remix


Pidora is Fedora Remix optimized for a Raspberry Pi computer. Here, Fedora Remix is the one that combines Fedora distributions with third-party software that is intended for unspecified people at an unspecified time. Fedora Remix and "Fedora" are clearly distinguished from each other, and official Fedora distributions should not be confused with Fedora Remix.


Fedora is a completely free redistributable computing platform that can be "remixed" with multiple softwares to create new software combinations. Here you can also combine it with other software than Fedora systems.


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It is a distribution based on Raspbian, and is an operating system created by a company called Adafruit that changes or adds functions needed to supplement the shortcomming or lack of Raspberry Pi for hacking research and educational purposes. This includes kernel modules for almost everything you need to use Raspberry Pi in real life situations as well as servos, sensors, Wi-Fi cards.


In the past, every new release of Raspbian came up with a new distribution to reflect that. Currently, it creates and provides a Pi Bootstrapper program that reflects various additional tools when running on the installed operating system.


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Ubuntu is a computer operating system based on the Debian distribution and a Linux distribution that uses "Unity", a unique desktop environment. It is supported by Canonical, a UK based company. Compared to Debian, it focuses a lot on user convenience.


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OpenELEC (Open Embedded Linux Entertainment Center) is a Linux distribution designed for home theater computers and is based on Kodi (formerly XBMC) media player.


OpenELEC have the "just enough operating system" principle, but it uses relatively little resources and is designed to boot quickly from flash memory.


OpenELEC provides a complete media center software suite, which includes a pre-configured Kodi version and includes third-party addons that support retro video game console emulators and DVR plugins. OpenELEC is a very small, Linux-based distribution that boots very quickly.


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   RaspBMC or OSMC


RaspBMC is its own Linux distribution designed to apply XBMC to Raspberry Pi, created in 2014, which is a free open source media player based on Linux. It works on SD card, USB drive or NFS share, supports Wi-Fi, and allows you to enjoy media data freely on local network, attached storage and Internet environment.


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PiNET is the one that operates Raspberry Pi on a centralized server, mainly for use in the Raspberry Pi training room.


Here, the Raspberry Pi operating system (Raspbian) is installed on the central server, and each Raspberry Pi has a separate client program installed that communicates with the central server. So, we have a complete master operating system installed on the server and do not install the operating system on individual Raspberry Pi systems. In addition, all user accounts that use Raspberry Pi and file storage devices that users store files are also integrated and managed on the central PiNet server.


When students start their Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi works in the way of booting with a centrally-installed operating system. When an individual user account defined on the central server logs on, it works in the way that an independent Raspberry Pi system is assigned. It works as though the operating system is installed and running on an individual Raspberry Pi.


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   Weather Station 


It is an internet based project system that supports weather station using Raspberry Pi. It is made for education about IOT. Temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed, wind direction, atmospheric temperature, atmospheric pressure, soil temperature, air quality, etc. can be measured and recorded in real time.


Related resources can be found at the following URL:

    http://www.raspberryweather.com/       Other Operating Systems


   Windows 10 IOT core 


Windows 10 IoT Core optimizes Windows 10 on smaller devices and can be run without a display. This operating system works on devices such as Raspberry Pi 2 and 3, Arrow DragonBoard 410c and MinnowBoard MAX.


It supports the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) API to be used for various purposes. It can use tools such as Visual Studio for developing applications. It also can connect to IOT support tools such as Microsoft Azure using open frameworks such as Connect-the-Dots.


Related resources can be found at the following URL:




   RISC  -- Non-Linux distribution


RISC is a British operating system specially designed for ARM processors and designed by a team that originally created the ARM processor, and is fast, small, but very efficient operating system.


The RISC operating system is not Linux or related with MS Windows, and it has many unique features that distinguish it from others in many aspects of design.


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