Raspberry Pi_Eng_07.7.2 Theme and Appearance Settings

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All of IOT Starting with the Latest Raspberry Pi from Beginner to Advanced – Volume 1
All of IOT Starting with the Latest Raspberry Pi from Beginner to Advanced – Volume 2

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최신 라즈베리파이(Raspberry Pi)로 시작하는 사물인터넷(IOT)의 모든 것 – 초보에서 고급까지 (상)
최신 라즈베리파이(Raspberry Pi)로 시작하는 사물인터넷(IOT)의 모든 것 – 초보에서 고급까지 (하)

Original Book Contents

7.7.2     Theme and Appearance Settings


This program defines the properties of the items inside the window. It can define the contents of various items such as desktop screen and icons.


If you run Application Menu Menu Preferences Theme and Appearance Settings, the screen as follows for settings appears.


Figure 7‑35 [Theme and Appearance Settings] of window


[Widget] allows you to define the whole selection item at a time by selecting one item without having to select the many detail setting items one by one among the predefined options.


The main items defined here are as follows:

    Desktop color of Window

    Indications for selected items

    Icon appearance

    The shape of the mouse pointer
