Raspberry Pi_Eng_24.4.9 Including PHP Script File

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All of IOT Starting with the Latest Raspberry Pi from Beginner to Advanced – Volume 1
All of IOT Starting with the Latest Raspberry Pi from Beginner to Advanced – Volume 2

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최신 라즈베리파이(Raspberry Pi)로 시작하는 사물인터넷(IOT)의 모든 것 – 초보에서 고급까지 (상)
최신 라즈베리파이(Raspberry Pi)로 시작하는 사물인터넷(IOT)의 모든 것 – 초보에서 고급까지 (하)

Original Book Contents

24.4.9  Including PHP Script File


PHP provides a way to insert ans use the text/code/markup in a specific file into the current working document. This function is very useful when you need to repeatedly use the same PHP, HTML, or text on multiple pages in PHP.


In PHP, "include" or "require" statement allows a web server to insert the contents of a particular PHP file into the PHP file of current document before executing a particular document.    "include" Statement  and "require" Statement


"include" and "require" statement insert the contents of the specified file into the current document. You can use the following format.


include 'filename';



require 'filename';


When you find a file to include, use the file path if there is an explicitly specified file path. If the file path is explicitly specified, "include_path" environment variable is ignored regardless of whether it is absolute path or relative path.


If no file path is specified, use the path specified in "include_path" environment variable. If the file does not exist in the location where is specified in "include_path" environment variable, it try to find a file by searching the directory of the script that called "include" and current working directory.


Both "include" and "require" insert the contents of the specified file into the current document, but they are different a little each other.


    The content is added at the time the statement is executed. Therefore, when it is inside the conditional statement, the content is added only when the condition is satisfied.

    Every time the statement is executed, the content is added. Therefore, if it is repeatedly processed, it is added several times.

    If the specified file does not exist and an error occurs, a warning message is sent and processing continues.



    It is executed when the document starts. Therefore, even if it is inside the conditional statement, it is executed regardless of the condition

    The content is added only once in the document. Therefore, it is added only once, even if it is executed repeatedly.

    If the specified file does not exist and an error occurs, a fatal error message is sent and processing stops.


[Used Example]

The following content is written in "content.php" file and will be included in other page.



$color = 'green';

$fruit = 'apple';



This is an example of including the above "content.php" in another document.



echo "A $color $fruit"; // A

include 'content.php';

echo "A $color $fruit"; // A green apple



The following contens is written in "footer.php" file and it will be used as a standard footer on several web pages.



echo "<p>Copyright &copy; 2013-" . date("Y") . " www.wemega.com</p>";



Below is an example of including the above "footer.php" file with "require" statement.




 <h1>Welcome to my home page!</h1>

 <p>Some text.</p>

<p>Some more text.</p>

<?php require 'footer.php';?>




The following is an example of using "include" and "require" in conditional statements. In this case, both "A.php" and "B.php" will be included. It is because "require" always includes the file content.



$value = 0;

if( $value == 0 )









The following is an example of using "include" to specify a file that does not exist. As there is no file to include, this script sends a warning message and continues processing.




 <h1>Welcome to my home page!</h1>

 <?php include 'noFileExists.php';

 echo "I have a $color $car.";





The following is an example of using "require" to specify a file that does not exist. As there are no files to include, this script sends a fatal error message and stops processing.




<h1>Welcome to my home page!</h1>

<?php require 'noFileExists.php';

 echo "I have a $color $car.";



 </html>    "include_once" statement and "require_once" statement


When a document must not include one file contents multiple times, it can be instructed to insert it only once. Using "include_once" and "require_once" inserts the contents of the specified file into the current document only once.


include_once 'filename';


require_once 'filename';



    The basic functionality is the same as "include" statement.

    If one file content is included already in the document, it is not included anymore.



    The basic functionality is the same as "require" statement.

    If one file content is included already in the document, it is not included anymore.


[Used Example]

The following is "echo.php" file.



echo "Hello";



The following is including the "echo.php" file in another file. Executing this will print "Hello" only once. This is because "require_once" command does not include the corresponding file again because it was included earlier by "require" statement.








24.4.10  Transmission Methods of PHP and Key Global Variable  POST/GET Method of HTTP and PHP Processing


GET method and POST method can be used when a web browser calls the web server and send the necessary data.


   GET method


GET method constructs the transmitted data in URL format and sends the request in the following format.




Use "?" symbol to separate between URL and transmission data. The transmission data is specified in the format "key=value", and if there are multiple data, they are separated by "&" symbol.


In this method, the entire contents to be transmitted are displayed in URL format and displayed in the web browser. In addition, GET method has a constraint on the amount of data to be transmitted, but the processing speed is relatively faster than POST method.


This method is convenient to store the content of the URL as it is in "Favorites" etc. and to use it again later, but it is difficult to use when sending data requiring confidentiality. Therefore, it is recommended to use GET method when transmitting small volume and less sensitive data.


The data transmitted like this are stored in "$_GET" array variable and "$_REQUEST" array variable on the web server. The values stored here are used as follows.


$variable = $_GET["key"]


$variable = $_REQUEST["key"]


[Used Example]

The following shows GET method is specified in "form" tag of an HTML document.


<form action="employee.php" method="get">

    Name:  <input type="text" name="username" /><br />

    Email: <input type="text" name="email" /><br />

    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit me!" />



The following shows that the transmitted data is refered using variables "$_GET" and "$_REQUEST" in "employee.php" file called above.



echo $_GET['username'];

echo $_REQUEST['username'];




   POST method


POST method does not send the transmitted data as part of the URL. When using the POST method, the web client calls the web server, then internally calls POST function, and sends the transmission data as an argument of the function directly.


POST method has no limit on the amount of data to be transmitted, so it can be freely used even where a lot of data processing is required. If you use this method, the transmitted data is not displayed in a URL format in your web browser, so you can use it without problems even when you need to send confidential data.


The data transmitted like this is stored in "$_POST" array variable and "$ _REQUEST" array variable on the web server. The values stored here are used as follows.


$variable = $_POST["key"]


$variable = $_REQUEST["key"]


The following shows that POST method is specified in "form" tag of an HTML document.


<form action="employee.php" method="post">

    Name:  <input type="text" name="username" /><br />

    Email: <input type="text" name="email" /><br />

    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit me!" />



The following shows that the transmitted data is refered using "$_POST" variable and "$_REQUEST" variable in "employee.php" file called above.



echo $_POST['username'];

echo $_REQUEST['username'];

?>  Global Variable of PHP




"$_SERVER" variable is an array data generated by the web server and contains information such as header, path, script location, and so on. There is no guarantee that all web servers will provide information about all items in the same format, and the items provided may vary according to the web server.


The major informations provided here are as follows.





Returns the filename of the currently executing script


Returns the version of the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) the server is using


Returns the IP address of the host server


Returns the name of the host server (such as www.w3schools.com)


Returns the name and revision of the information protocol (such as HTTP/1.1)


Returns the request method used to access the page (such as POST)


Returns the timestamp of the start of the request (such as 1377687496)


Returns the query string if the page is accessed via a query string


Returns the Host header from the current request


Is the script queried through a secure HTTP protocol


Returns the IP address from where the user is viewing the current page


Returns the Host name from where the user is viewing the current page


Returns the port being used on the user's machine to communicate with the web server


Returns the absolute pathname of the currently executing script


Returns the value given to the SERVER_ADMIN directive in the web server configuration file (if your script runs on a virtual host, it will be the value defined for that virtual host) (such as someone@w3schools.com)


Returns the port on the server machine being used by the web server for communication (such as 80)


Returns the path of the current script


Returns the URI of the current page


The document root directory under which the current script is executing, as defined in the server's configuration file.


Below is an example of using "$_SERVER" variable in a script.


< body>

<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>">
  Name: <input type="text" name="fname">
  <input type="submit">

    // collect value of input field
    $name = $_POST['fname'];
    if (empty($name)) {
        echo "Name is empty";
    } else {
        echo $name;

< /body>
< /html>




This use "$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']" to determine its own file name and assign it to "action" attribute. It use "$_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]" to determine what the current HTTP request method is, and perform necessary processings only when the method is POST method.





"$GLOBALS" is a PHP super global variable that stores all global variables in "$GLOBALS[index]" array. This variable allows you to use global variables anywhere in the PHP script, in a function, or within method of a class. Variable names are assigned to index.


It can be used in the following format to use that variable.


$variable = $GLOBALS[variable-name]


The following shows how to use the super global variable "$GLOBALS".


$x = 75;
$y = 25;
function addition() {
    $GLOBALS['z'] = $GLOBALS['x'] + $GLOBALS['y'];
echo $z;




24.4.11               PHP and MySQL database  PHP MySQL extension


The functions for processing MySQL data in PHP are developed and provided as extensions of PHP. The following extensions have been developed so far.

    Original MySQL extension

This is an extension function that was originally developed to access MySQL data in PHP. It was originally developed with the assumption that it will be applied only to systems prior to MySQL version 4.1.3. It can be applied to later versions, but it can not fully utilize the functions of the latest MySQL server, and it will be discarded in the future.


    MySQL improved extension (mysqli)

It is a MySQL processing extension that is re-developed to be optimized for an object-oriented programming environment to take full advantage of the latest features of the MySQL database. Many features are included in PHP versions 5 and later. The <mysqli> extension has many advantages over the original MySQL extension. Major advantages are as follows.

Object-oriented interface

Support for Prepared Statements

Support for Multiple Statements

Support for Transactions

Enhanced debugging capabilities

Embedded server support


    PDO extension

It is an extension that provides a database abstraction layer for PHP applications and allows PHP applications to use all database related functions consistently in the same format regardless of the actual database used. The advantage is that you can easily switch to another database if you need it, but you can not take advantage of all the features of a particular database.


The original MySQL extension will be obsoleted in the future, so you should use the <mysqli> extension or the PDO extension when developing new programs in the future.


For additional information, please see the followings:



  Interface Method of the <mysqli>


the <mysqli> extension supports the procedural interface as well as the object-oriented interface. The following shows examples of the object-oriented interface method and the procedural interface method.





//====== procedural interface


$mysqli = mysqli_connect("example.com", "user", "password", "database");

if (mysqli_connect_errno($mysqli)) {

    echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();



$res = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT 'A world full of ' AS _msg FROM DUAL");

$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res);

echo $row['_msg'];



//====== object-oriented interface


$mysqli = new mysqli("example.com", "user", "password", "database");

if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {

    echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . $mysqli->connect_error;



$res = $mysqli->query("SELECT 'choices to please everybody.' AS _msg FROM DUAL");

$row = $res->fetch_assoc();

echo $row['_msg'];




The output of the above example is shown below


A world full of choices to please everybody.


The usage differences between the two methods are as follows.





creating an object

new mysqli ( )

mysqli_connect ( )

running a function

$object->function( )

mysqli_function($object, )

referring to arrtibute




Basically, the object-oriented method systematically classifies and manages functions and attributes based on objects, so it is easy to understand and has various advantages in development and follow-up management. There is no difference in performance between the two methods, and the user can freely select the desired one according to his preference. You can also mix both ways in one document, but it is not recommended to make your code easier to understand.  Details of <mysqli> Object-Oriented Interface


Here we describe in detail the properties and methods of the object-oriented interface of <mysqli>.



   Property and method of "mysqli" class


To use the data in a MySQL database, you must first connect the database. Also, the connection should be maintained in the process of using the data in the database. The "mysqli connect" is responsible for connecting to the specified MySQL database. It is also responsible for interworking with MySQL in all future SQL processing.


"mysqli" class is an object class to manage and process this "mysqli connect". It must be created as an object in advance and used.


The properties and methods available in this class are as follows.


OOP Interface




Gets the number of affected rows in a previous MySQL operation


Returns the MySQL client version as a string


Returns MySQL client version info as an integer


Returns the error code from last connect call


Returns a string description of the last connect error


Returns the error code for the most recent function call


Returns a string description of the last error


Returns the number of columns for the most recent query


Returns a string representing the type of connection used


Returns the version of the MySQL protocol used


Returns the version of the MySQL server


Returns the version of the MySQL server as an integer


Retrieves information about the most recently executed query


Returns the auto generated id used in the last query


Returns the SQLSTATE error from previous MySQL operation


Returns the number of warnings from the last query for the given link



Turns on or off auto-committing database modifications


Changes the user of the specified database connection

mysqli::character_set_name(), mysqli::client_encoding

Returns the default character set for the database connection


Closes a previously opened database connection


Commits the current transaction


Open a new connection to the MySQL server [Note: static (i.e. class) method]


Performs debugging operations


Dump debugging information into the log


Returns a character set object


Returns client connection statistics. Available only with mysqlnd.


Returns the MySQL client version as a string


Returns client per-process statistics. Available only with mysqlnd.


Returns client Zval cache statistics. Available only with mysqlnd.






Initializes MySQLi and returns a resource for use with mysqli_real_connect. [Not called on an object, as it returns a $mysqli object.]


Asks the server to kill a MySQL thread


Check if there are any more query results from a multi query


Performs a query on the database


Prepare next result from multi_query


Set options


Pings a server connection, or tries to reconnect if the connection has gone down


Prepare an SQL statement for execution


Performs a query on the database


Opens a connection to a mysql server

mysqli::real_escape_string(), mysqli::escape_string()

Escapes special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement, taking into account the current charset of the connection


Execute an SQL query


Flushes tables or caches, or resets the replication server information


Rolls back current transaction


Selects the default database for database queries


Sets the default client character set


Unsets user defined handler for load local infile command


Set callback function for LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE command


Used for establishing secure connections using SSL


Gets the current system status


Initializes a statement and returns an object for use with mysqli_stmt_prepare


Transfers a result set from the last query


Returns the thread ID for the current connection


Returns whether thread safety is given or not


Initiate a result set retrieval

Table 24‑1 Property and method of "mysqli" class



   property and method of "mysqli_stmt" class


"mysqli statement" stands for pre-prepared SQL statements that can be executed most efficiently depending on the current state of the database before the SQL statement actually executes. Using prepared SQL statement like this, it is possible to check the problem of SQL statement before executing SQL statement, and make preparation to execute SQL statement efficiently.


"mysqli_stmt" class is an object class to manage and process this "mysqli statement". It must be created as an object in advance and used.


The properties and methods that is avail in this class are as follows.


OOP Interface




Returns the total number of rows changed, deleted, or inserted by the last executed statement


Returns the error code for the most recent statement call


Returns a string description for last statement error


Returns the number of field in the given statement - not documented


Get the ID generated from the previous INSERT operation


Return the number of rows in statements result set


Returns the number of parameter for the given statement


Returns SQLSTATE error from previous statement operation



Used to get the current value of a statement attribute


Used to modify the behavior of a prepared statement


Binds variables to a prepared statement as parameters


Binds variables to a prepared statement for result storage


Closes a prepared statement


Seeks to an arbitrary row in statement result set


Executes a prepared Query


Fetch results from a prepared statement into the bound variables


Frees stored result memory for the given statement handle


Gets a result set from a prepared statement. Available only with mysqlnd.




NOT DOCUMENTED Available only with mysqlnd.


NOT DOCUMENTED Available only with mysqlnd.


See also property $mysqli_stmt::num_rows


Prepare an SQL statement for execution


Resets a prepared statement


Returns result set metadata from a prepared statement


Send data in blocks


Transfers a result set from a prepared statement

Table 24‑2 Property and method of "mysqli_stmt" class



   Property and method of "mysqli_result" class


"mysqli result" is a query result created as a result of executing an SQL SELECT statement, which means a data set consisting of several rows retrieved from the specified tables of a particular database. Each row retrieved here is composed of multiple columns.


"mysqli_result" class is an object class to manage and process this "mysqli result". It must be created as an object in advance and used.


The properties and methods that are available in this class are as follows.


OOP Interface




Get current field offset of a result pointer


Get the number of fields in a result


Returns the lengths of the columns of the current row in the result set


Gets the number of rows in a result



Adjusts the result pointer to an arbitrary row in the result


Fetches all result rows and returns the result set as an associative array, a numeric array, or both. Available only with mysqlnd.


Fetch a result row as an associative, a numeric array, or both


Fetch a result row as an associative array


Fetch meta-data for a single field


Returns the next field in the result set


Returns an array of objects representing the fields in a result set


Returns the current row of a result set as an object


Get a result row as an enumerated array


Set result pointer to a specified field offset

mysqli_result::free(), mysqli_result::close, mysqli_result::free_result

Frees the memory associated with a result

Table 24‑3 Property and method of "mysqli_result" class  Usage of <mysqli> Object-Oriented Interface


In PHP, you need to connect to the database in advance to use the data in the MySQL database.



   Creating "connect" object


To connect to a MySQL database, you first perform connection operation using the database connection information, create an object, and store the connect information for that database to "connect" object. Later, when it is necessary to actually execute SQL statements to refer to the data in the database, you execute the SQL statement through "connect" object created earlier.


To connect to a MySQL database, you execute "mysqli( )" function, and use "new" command to create the object, and then stores the connect information to "connect" object. The basic format is as follows.


$connect_object = new  mysqli( host-nameuser-id , password , database-name  )  



   Running SQL to query database data 


"query( )" function is used to process specific SQL statements against a MySQL database. "query( )" function returns the result of executing the SQL statement, returning the result as an object of the form "result" object. The basic processing format is as follows.


$result_object =  $connect_object->query(  "SELECT-SQL"  )



   Processing queried database data


A "result" object may contain multiple data elements. Executing "fetch_assoc( )" function returns the data contained in the result object one by one, returning the result as an object of the form "row" object. The basic processing format is as follows.


$row_object =  $result_object->fetch_assoc(  )


A "row" object contains data for several columns together. To refer to the data for each column, the column is specified in the format ["column-name"]. The basic processing format is as follows.


$data-variable    = $row_object["column-name"]


Normally, a "result" object has several data, so for sequential iterative processing, it can be usually processed as follows by using "while" command.


while  ( $row_object =  $result_object->fetch_assoc( )  )


           statement-1   ;

           statement-2   ;




   Closing "connect"


If you no longer need a database connection, you should terminate "connect" using "close( )" function as follows. The basic processing format is as follows.


$connect_object->close( )


24.4.12               Simple PHP Web Page


We will here perform operations to query, input, modify, and delete data in MySQL by using PHP.  Preparing Main Document


Create the document as follows and save it in "index.php" file.


<!DOCTYPE html>



   <title> Handling Employee Information By MySQL and PHP </title>



<p><a href=" /employee_list.php"> Employee List </a></p>

<p><a href="/employee_update.php"> Employee Detail Update</a></p>




In the above document, "/employee_list.php" script file is linked to the "Employee List" statement and "/employee_update.php" script file is linked to the "Employee Detail Update" statement.



If you run this file through a web browser, the following screen appears.

Figure 24‑10 PHP Web example - starting screen of main document


This is the document for the main starting screen for future work. If you click "Employee List" on this screen, you will go to the web page which inquires the data from "employee" table of the database. If you click "Employee Detail Update", you will go to the web page screen which changes the data of "employee" table of the database. .  Preparing Works for Database and Table


The database used here will use the database and table used to explain MySQL earlier. The details are as follows.

    database                -- raspi_db


    table                      -- employee

    id                    -- INT                          -- PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT

    name               -- VARCHAR(50)

    birth                -- DATE

    position_code     -- CHAR(10)

    dept_code         -- CHAR(10)

    manager_name   -- VARCHAR(50)

    sales                -- DECIMAL(10,0)

    salary_rate         -- NUMERIC(6,2)  Connecting and Disconnecting Database


   Connecting to database


Here we will connect to the database using <mysqli> extension. The following information is required for database connection.

    host name   -- localhost

This can be assigned an IP address or a URL to the host. Here "localhost" is used because MySQL is installed on the same server.

    user           -- pi

    password     -- xxxxxx

    database     -- raspi_db


First, create a "mysqli" object to connect to the MySQL database as shown below.



$mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'pi', 'xxxxxx', 'raspi_db');
if ($mysqli->connect_error) {
    die('Connect Error (' . $mysqli->connect_errno . ') '. $mysqli->connect_error);


echo 'Success... ' . $mysqli->host_info . "n";




Here we create a "mysqli" object and store it in "$mysqli" variable. When the object is created, it tries to connect to the MySQL database internally. If the connection is successfully completed, all the connection related information is stored in "$mysqli" variable. The object stored in "$mysqli" variable handles all future work with MySQL.



   Terminating connection to database


If all processing for the database is finished, the connection to the database is terminated. It can be processed as follows.



$mysqli->close( ) ;

?>  Writing script to Query Data in Database Table


Here, we will create a script that queries the data in "employee" table of the database.


   Writing a basic HTML and table layout


Create a PHP file with the following HMTL contents and store it in "employee_list.php".


<!DOCTYPE html>



   <title> Handling Employee Information By MySQL and PHP </title>


           table, th, td {

               border: 1px solid black;

               border-collapse: collapse;


           th, td {

               padding: 5px;






      <h1>Employee List</h1>


           <!--   table header         -->


                 <th>id                 </th>             

                <th>name             </th>              

                 <th>birth             </th>             

                 <th>position_code   </th>    

                 <th>dept_code       </th>

                  <th>manager_name </th>

                 <th>sales              </th>

                 <th>salary            </th>






Here, an HTML document is created using <table> tag to display multiple retrieved list data in a table layout. A header part is added when defining <table>, and <style> is specified for each part of the table in <head> part.


When you run this script, the following screen is displayed.

Figure 24‑11 PHP Web example "Employee List"



   Querying data in database table


Here we use "$mysqli" object created earlier to retrieve the data from the database table.


First read the data from the table. The following SELECT statement is used in SQL statements to read data from the table.


select * from employee


The following is querying table data.



$select_sql = "elect * from employee" ;

$result = $mysqli->query ($select_sql);
if (!$result) {
    die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());
printf("Select returned %d rows.\n", $result->num_rows);



Executing "$mysql->query( )" with the above SELECT SQL statement reads and returns data from the specified table, and the data is stored in "$result" object.



   Handling data in table


The next step is to display each retrieved data one by one in a table layout. This should be included within the HTML <table> tag. Read the data in "$result" object one by one, store it in the "$row" object, read the data by one column at a time, and output it using <td> tag.



while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {

    print  "<tr>" ;

    print  "<td>".$row[ "id" ]."</td>" ;

    print  "<td>".$row[ "name" ]."</td>" ;

    print  "<td>".$row[ "birth" ]."</td>" ;

    print  "<td>".$row[ "position_code" ]."</td>" ;

    print  "<td>".$row[ "dept_code" ]."</td>" ;

    print  "<td>".$row[ "manager_name" ]."</td>" ;

    print  "<td>".$row[ "sales" ]."</td>" ;

    print  "<td>".$row[ "salary" ]."</td>" ; 

    print  "</tr>" ;





   Combining all script to query data


Below is integrating all the scripts reviewed so far into "employee_list.php".


<!DOCTYPE html>



   <title> Handling Employee Information By MySQL and PHP </title>


           table, th, td {

               border: 1px solid black;

               border-collapse: collapse;


           th, td {

               padding: 5px;





      <h1>Employee List</h1>

      //connect database


      $mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'pi', 'xxxxxx', 'raspi_db');

      if ($mysqli->connect_error) {

          die('Connect Error (' . $mysqli->connect_errno . ') '. $mysqli->connect_error);


      echo 'Success... ' . $mysqli->host_info . "n";



           <!--   table header         -->


                  <th>id                           </th>              

                 <th>name                       </th>             

                  <th>birth                        </th>              

                  <th>position_code             </th>    

                 <th>dept_code                 </th>

                  <th>manager_name           </th>

                 <th>sales                         </th>

                 <th>salary                                   </th>


           // select data from database table


          $select_sql = "elect * from employee" ;

          $result = $mysqli->query ($select_sql);

          if (!$result) {

             die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());


          printf("Select returned %d rows.\n", $result->num_rows);


           // table data content


          while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {

              print  "<tr>" ;

              print  "<td>".$row[ "id" ]."</td>" ;

              print  "<td>".$row[ "name" ]."</td>" ;

              print  "<td>".$row[ "birth" ]."</td>" ;

              print  "<td>".$row[ "position_code" ]."</td>" ;

              print  "<td>".$row[ "dept_code" ]."</td>" ;

              print  "<td>".$row[ "manager_name" ]."</td>" ;

              print  "<td>".$row[ "sales" ]."</td>" ;

              print  "<td>".$row[ "salary" ]."</td>" ; 

              print  "</tr>" ;






      $mysqli->close( ) ;



</html>  Writing Scrit to Update Database Table Data


Here we will create a script that changes the data in "employee" table of the database.


   Preparing form


Create the basic HMTL as follows and save it in "employee_update.php".


<!DOCTYPE html>



   <title> Handling Employee Information By MySQL and PHP </title>




      <h1>Employee Detail Update</h1>

      <form action="employee_update.php" method="POST">

           function:                      <input type="text" name="function" />     <br /><br />


           id :                  <input type="text" name="id" />                       <br />       

          name                          <input type="text" name="name" />        <br />

           birth                <input type="text" name="birth" />         <br />

          position_code     <input type="text" name="position_code" />         <br />  

          dept_code         <input type="text" name="dept_code" />            <br />

           manager_name   <input type="text" name="manager_name" />      <br />

          sales                <input type="text" name="sales" />                    <br />

          salary               <input type="text" name="salary" />                   <br />


           <input type="submit" />

      </ form>





Here we use <form> tag to define the form required for input. When you define a form, you specify the script file name to "action", and specify the POST method to "method".


The form contains <input> tag in which you can enter data for each column of the database table. Finally, <input> tag of "submit" button is also used to send the form data to the web server.


Inside the form, an <input> tag called "function" is created to input the operation to do in the database with this form. The value specified here will determine the type of changing operation to be processed in the database table:

    insert         -- Insert data in table.

    update        -- Change data in table.

    delete         -- Delete  data in table.


When executing the script, the following screen is displayed.

Figure 24‑12 PHP Web example "Employee Detail Update"



   Modifying table data


When inserting data into a table, use the following form of SQL statement.


INSERT  INTO  employee  

   SET   name                 = "John"   ,

         birth                  = "1960-05-17",

         position_code         = "11111",

         dept_code            = "E1000",

         manager_name       = "Mike",

         sales                  = "300000",

         salary              = "600000"


When updating a table data, use the following form of SQL statement.


update        employee  

      SET      name           = "John"           ,

              birth            = "1960-05-17"   ,

              position_code   = "11111"          ,

              dept_code       = "E1000"         ,

              manager_name             = "Mike"                 ,

              sales             = "300000"        ,

               salary            = "600000"       

      where   id                    = 1 ;


When deleting table data, use the following form of SQL statement.


delete employee where id = 3


Here is a PHP statement that modifies the data in the table. It defines a function for each "insert", "update", and "delete", and performs the necessary processing according to the value of "function" entered in the form.


// main processing

If (isset( $_POST["function"] ) ) {

switch ( $_POST["function"] ) {

  case "insert":

      employee_insert() ;


  case "update":

       employee_update() ;


case "delete":

       employee_insert() ;



        echo "function is incorrect";




// define insert table function

function employee_insert () {

    $update_sql = " INSERT INTO employee  ";

    $update_sql = $update_sql." name              = ".$_POST["name"]." ,  "     ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." birth             = ".$_POST["birth"]." ,  "         ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." position_code     = ".$_POST["position_code"]." ,  "   ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." dept_code         = ".$_POST["dept_code"]." ,  "         ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." manager_name      = ".$_POST["manager_name"]." ,  "   ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." sales             = ".$_POST["sales"]." ,  "         ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." salary            = ".$_POST["salary"]."  "         ;


    if ($mysqli->query($update_sql) === TRUE) {

        echo "insert successfully";


    else {

        echo "insert error: " . $conn->error;




// define update table function

function employee_update () {

    $update_sql = "DELETE employee SET ";

    $update_sql = $update_sql." name              = ".$_POST["name"]." ,  "     ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." birth             = ".$_POST["birth"]." ,  "   ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." position_code     = ".$_POST["position_code"]." ,  "   ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." dept_code         = ".$_POST["dept_code"]." ,  "         ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." manager_name      = ".$_POST["manager_name"]." ,  "   ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." sales             = ".$_POST["sales"]." ,  "         ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." salary            = ".$_POST["salary"]." ,  "        ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." WHERE id          = ".$_POST["id"]."   "            ;


    if ($mysqli->query($update_sql) === TRUE) {

        echo "update successfully";


    else {

        echo "update error: " . $conn->error;




// define delete table function

function employee_delete () {

    $update_sql = "DELETE employee   ";

    $update_sql = $update_sql." WHERE id    = ".$_POST["id"]."   "                  ;


    if ($mysqli->query($update_sql) === TRUE) {

        echo "delete successfully";


    else {

        echo "delete error : " . $conn->error;





   Combinig all scripts to modify table data


Below is combining all the scripts reviewed so far into "employee_update.php" file.


<!DOCTYPE html>



   <title> Handling Employee Information By MySQL and PHP </title>



    <h1>Employee Detail Update</h1>



    $mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'pi', 'xxxxxx', 'raspi_db');

    if ($mysqli->connect_error) {

        die('Connect Error (' . $mysqli->connect_errno. ') '. $mysqli->connect_error);


    echo 'Success... ' . $mysqli->host_info . "n";



    <form action="employee_update.php" method="POST">

        function:        <input type="text" name="function" />     <br /> <br />

        id :            <input type="text" name="id" />           <br />         

        name            <input type="text" name="name" />                 <br />

        birth            <input type="text" name="birth" />                <br />     

        position_code    <input type="text" name="position_code" />        <br />  

       dept_code        <input type="text" name="dept_code" />            <br />

        manager_name     <input type="text" name="manager_name" />         <br />

       sales            <input type="text" name="sales" />                <br />

       salary          <input type="text" name="salary" />               <br />

        <input type="submit" />

    </ form>


    // main processing

    If (isset( $_POST["function"] ) ) {

        switch ( $_POST["function"] ) {

        case "insert":

             employee_insert() ;


        case "update":

            employee_update() ;


        case "delete":

            employee_insert() ;



             echo "function is incorrect";




    // close database connection


    $mysqli->close( ) ;



// define insert table function

function employee_insert () {

    $update_sql = " INSERT INTO employee  ";

    $update_sql = $update_sql." name              = '".$_POST["name"]."' ,  "             ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." birth             = '".$_POST["birth"]."' ,  "     ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." position_code     = '".$_POST["position_code"]."' ,  "       ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." dept_code         = '".$_POST["dept_code"]."' ,  "         ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." manager_name      = '".$_POST["manager_name"]."' ,  "     ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." sales             = '".$_POST["sales"]."' ,  "     ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." salary            = '".$_POST["salary"]."'  "       ;


    if ($mysqli->query($update_sql) === TRUE) {

        echo "insert successfully";


    else {

        echo "insert error: " . $conn->error;




// define update table function

function employee_update () {

    $update_sql = "DELETE employee SET ";

    $update_sql = $update_sql." name              = '".$_POST["name"]."' ,  "           ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." birth             = '".$_POST["birth"]."' ,  "          ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." position_code     = '".$_POST["position_code"]."' ,  "       ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." dept_code         = '".$_POST["dept_code"]."' ,  "         ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." manager_name      = '".$_POST["manager_name"]."' ,  "     ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." sales             = '".$_POST["sales"]."' ,  "     ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." salary            = '".$_POST["salary"]."' ,  "    ;

    $update_sql = $update_sql." WHERE id          = '".$_POST["id"]."'   "              ;


    if ($mysqli->query($update_sql) === TRUE) {

        echo "update successfully";


    else {

        echo "update error: " . $conn->error;




// define delete table function

function employee_delete () {

    $update_sql = "DELETE employee   ";

    $update_sql = $update_sql." WHERE id    = '".$_POST["id"]."'   "               ;


    if ($mysqli->query($update_sql) === TRUE) {

        echo "delete successfully";


    else {

        echo "delete error : " . $conn->error;





</html>   Flow of Managing Screen for Table "employee"