출판된 한글판 도서
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Original Book Contents
11.2 Message Type과 IDOC Type
SAP에서 지원하고 있는 message type 목록을 확인하려면, transaction WE81 을 실행하거나 또는 transaction WEDI à Development à Message Types을 실행해 보면 된다. SAP 상에서 IDOC type에 대한 message type 할당 내용을 확인해 보려면 transaction WE82 을 실행하거나 또는 transaction WEDI à Development à IDoc Type / Message 을 실행해 보면 된다. 이러한 Messge Type 및 IDOC type의 숫자는 SAP Version이 올라감에 따라 점차 증가할 것이다.
다음 목록은 SAP에 있는 내용 중 일부를 예로서 제시하는 것이며, 여기에 제시되지 않은 것은 위에서 제시된 방법을 이용하여 SAP R/3에서 직접 그 내용을 확인해 볼 수 있다.
Message type | Description | Basic IDoc type |
ABSEN1 | Attendance/Absence in KK1 | ABSEN1 |
ACCONF | Confirmation of IDoc processing from the application | ACCONF01 |
ACLPAY | Accounting: Inbound invoice | ACLPAY01 |
ACLREC | Accounting: Billing document | ACLREC01 |
ACPJMM | Posting in accounting from materials management | ACPJOU01 |
ACTIV3 | Units in KK3 | ACTIV3 |
ACTIV4 | Units in KK4 | ACTIV4 |
ALEAUD | Acknowledgements about processing status of inbound IDocs | ALEAUD01 |
ALEREQ | General request message | ALEREQ01 |
BATCH5 | KK5 Batch | BATCH5 |
BLAOCH | Purchasing contract change | BLAORD01 |
| BLAORD02 |
BLAORD | Purchasing contracts | BLAORD01 |
| BLAORD02 |
BLAREL | Release order documentation for distributed contracts | BLAREL01 |
BOMDOC | BOMs: Document structure | BOMDOC01 |
BOMMAT | BOMs: Material BOM | BOMMAT01 |
CHRMAS | Class system: Characteristics master | CHRMAS01 |
| CHRMAS02 |
| CHRMAS03 |
CLFMAS | Class system: Classification master | CLFMAS01 |
CLSMAS | Class system: Classes master | CLSMAS01 |
| CLSMAS02 |
| CLSMAS03 |
CMREQU | Invite TR-CM subsystem to send TR-CM data | CMREQU01 |
CMSEND | TR-CM subsystem sends TR-CM data to central TR-CM | CMSEND01 |
CNPMAS | Configuration profile | CNPMAS01 |
COACOR | Core master activity type | COACOR01 |
COACTV | IDoc for cost center/activity type | COACTV01 |
COAFET | Request activity type | ALEREQ01 |
COAMAS | Master activity type | COAMAS01 |
COCOKA | Control segment CO object/cost element | COCOKA01 |
CODCMT | IDoc for a CO document | CODCMT01 |
COELEM | Cost element master data | COELEM01 |
COGRP1 | Cost center groups | COGRP01 |
COGRP2 | Cost element groups | COGRP01 |
COGRP5 | Activity type groups | COGRP01 |
COGRP6 | Profit center groups | COGRP01 |
COGRP9 | Account groups (Profit Center Accounting) | COGRP01 |
CONDAT | Control data | CONDAT01 |
CONDBI | Condition index for document changes | COND_A01 |
COND_A | Conditions: master data for price determination | COND_A01 |
CONF11 | Confirmations in KK1 | CONF11 |
CONF21 | Confirmations in KK2, time events | CONF21 |
CONF31 | Confirmations in KK3, time events | CONF31 |
CONF32 | Confirmations in KK3, wage slips | CONF32 |
CONF41 | Confirmations in KK4, time events | CONF41 |
CONF42 | Confirmations in KK4, wage slips | CONF42 |
CONF51 | Confirmations in KK5, run schedules | CONF51 |
CONFIG | Configuration for transceiver | DWLOAD |
COPAGN | Profitability analysis | COPAGN01 |
COPCPA | Costing data CO-PC -> CO-PA | COPCPA01 |
COSCOR | Core master cost center | COSCOR01 |
COSFET | Request cost center | ALEREQ01 |
COSMAS | Master cost center | COSMAS01 |
COTOTL | IDoc for CO totals records | COTOTL01 |
CPS001 | Profitability analysis | COPAGN01 |
CREADV | Credit memo display | PEXR2001 |
CRECOR | Core master vendors | CRECOR01 |
CREFET | Get vendor data | ALEREQ01 |
CREMAS | Distribute vendor master | CREMAS01 |
| CREMAS02 |
| CREMAS03 |
DEBADV | Debit display | PEXR2001 |
DEBCOR | Core master customer master | DEBCOR01 |
DEBFET | Request customer master | ALEREQ01 |
DEBMAS | Customer master | DEBMAS01 |
| DEBMAS02 |
| DEBMAS03 |
| DEBMAS04 |
| DEBMAS05 |
DELINS | Delivery schedule/JIT schedule | DELFOR01 |
DESADT | Shipping notification | DESADV01 |
DESADV | Shipping notification | DESADV01 |
| DES_ID01 |
DIFFE2 | Differences in KK2 | DIFFE2 |
DIFFE3 | Differences in KK3 | DIFFE3 |
DIFFE4 | Differences in KK4 | DIFFE4 |
DIRDEB | Preauthorized withdrawal | PEXR2001 |
DISTU2 | Reasons for problems KK2 | DISTU2 |
DOCMAS | Master document | DOCMAS01 |
| DOCMAS02 |
DWLOAD | Download transceiver configuration | DWLOAD |
EDLNOT | EDL delivery notes | DESADV01 |
EKSEKS | Purchasing document for Purchasing Info system | EKSEKS01 |
EUPEXR | Reference message for electr. signature (for ext. payments) | IDCREF01 |
EXPINV | Export invoice | EXPINV01 |
EXTWA1 | External wage type | EXTWA1 |
FIDCCH | Change in FI document | FIDCCH01 |
FIDCMT | FI-IDOC to send single items | FIDCMT01 |
FIROLL | G/L rollup (GLX) | FIDCMT01 |
GLCORE | Master data G/L accounts (CORE IDOC) | GLCORE01 |
GLFETC | Request G/L accounts | ALEREQ01 |
GLM000 | Test reduction GLMAST | GLMAST01 |
GLMAST | Master data G/L accounts (master IDOC) | GLMAST01 |
GLROLL | FI-GLX message type rollup | GLDCMT01 |
GSVERF | Cred. memo procedure | GSVERF01 |
HRCPRQ | Personnel Cost Planning - inquiry from CO to HR | SYNCHRON |
HRINW | Time tickets from Logistics | HRPLL40 |
HRMD_A | HR: Master and organizational data (application system) | HRMD_A01 |
HRMD_B | HR: Master and organizational data (basis system) | HRMD_B01 |
HRPAYP | HR: Transfer FI/CO | HRPAYP01 |
HRPRS | Attendances from Logistics | HRPLL40 |
HRTRVL | HR-TRV: Transfer travel expenses FI/CO | HRTRVL01 |
INFREC | Purchasing info record | INFREC01 |
INVCON | Inventory Controlling IDOC | INVCON01 |
INVOIC | Invoice / Billing document | INVOIC01 |
| INVOIC02 |
| INV_ID01 |
KNOMAS | Global object dependencies | KNOMAS01 |
LCROLL | Legal consolidation | GLDCMT01 |
LIP032 | Upload infostructure storage loc.stocks (S032) | SOPGEN01 |
LIP035 | Upload infostructure batch stocks (S035) | SOPGEN01 |
LIP039 | Distributed IS planning | SOPGEN01 |
LIP125 | Distributed IS planning | SOPGEN01 |
LIS000 | LIS external data: sending | LIS_EXTR |
LOCAT5 | Storage location for run schedules | LOCAT5 |
LOIBOM | Bills of Material | LOIBOM01 |
LOICAL | Calendar | LOICAL01 |
LOINUM | IDoc for number of IDocs sent | LOINUM01 |
LOIPLO | Planned order | LOIPLO01 |
LOIPRO | Production order | LOIPRO01 |
LOIRNH | Hierarchy/network | LOIRNH01 |
LOIROU | Routing | LOIROU01 |
LOIRSH | Run schedule header | LOIRSH01 |
LOISTD | Requirements/stock list | LOISTD01 |
LOIWCS | Work Center | LOIWCS01 |
MALFK5 | Reasons for problems, run schedules | MALFK5 |
MATCOR | Core master material | MATCOR01 |
MATFET | Request material | ALEREQ01 |
MATMAS | Master material | MATMAS01 |
| MATMAS02 |
| MATMAS03 |
OPERA2 | Operations in KK2 | OPERA2 |
OPERA3 | Processes in KK3 | OPERA3 |
OPERA4 | Operations in KK4 | OPERA4 |
OPERS3 | Workplaces in KK3 | OPERS3 |
OPERS4 | Workcenters in KK4 | OPERS4 |
ORDCHG | Purchase order/order change | ORDERS01 |
| ORDERS02 |
| ORDERS03 |
| ORDERS04 |
| ORDERS05 |
| ORD_ID01 |
ORDERS | Purchase order / order | ORDERS01 |
| ORDERS02 |
| ORD_ID01 |
ORDRSP | Purchase order / order confirmation | ORDERS01 |
| ORDERS02 |
| ORD_ID01 |
OSTAT2 | Process status CC2 | OSTAT2 |
PAYEXT | Extended payment order | PEXR2001 |
PCROLL | Profit center rollup | GLDCMT01 |
| PEROP2 |
PERSO1 | Personnel master records in KK1 | PERSO1 |
PERSO2 | Personnel master in KK2 | PERSO2 |
PERSO3 | Personnel master in KK3 | PERSO3 |
PERSO4 | Personnel master in KK4 | PERSO4 |
PICKSD | Picking request | SDPIOD01 |
PI_BTC | Data transfer | BTC_ID01 |
| BTC_ID02 |
| BTC_ID03 |
PKHD5 | Kanban closed loops | PKHD5 |
PKPS5 | Kanban container | PKPS5 |
PKST5 | Possible status for Kanban containers | PKST5 |
PLANT3 | KK3: Plant table | PLANT3 |
PLANT4 | KK4: Plant table | PLANT4 |
PRCFET | Request profit center | ALEREQ01 |
PRCMAS | Profit center master record | PRCMAS01 |
PRODPL | Production plan reporting | SYNCHRON |
QUOTES | Quotation | ORD_ID01 |
RCLROL | Reconciliation ledger rollup | GLDCMT01 |
RECSHP | Recommended shipments | ORDERS02 |
REMADV | Payment advice | PEXR2001 |
REQOTE | inquiry | ORDERS02 |
| ORD_ID01 |
REQUI1 | Confirmation request in KK1 | REQUI1 |
REQUI2 | Confirmation request in KK2 | REQUI2 |
REQUI3 | Confirmation request in KK2 | REQUI3 |
REQUI4 | Confirmation request in KK4 | REQUI4 |
REQUI5 | Confirmation request in KK5 | REQUI5 |
SDPACK | Packing confirmation | SDPAID01 |
SDPICK | Picking confirmation | SDPIID01 |
SHIPPL | Inbound planned shipments | TPSSHT01 |
SHPMNT | Shipping outbound | SHPMNT01 |
SISCSO | VIS: Sales order | SISCSO01 |
SISDEL | SIS: Delivery | SISDEL01 |
SISINV | SIS: Billing document | SISINV01 |
SMMMAN | Master material | MATMAS02 |
SOPGEN | Distributed IS planning | SOPGEN01 |
SRCLST | Source List | SRCLST01 |
SRVMAS | Master data service master | SRVMAS01 |
STATUS | Message about status information transmission | SYSTAT01 |
SYIDOC | Determination of IDoc types | SYIDOC01 |
SYNCH | Synchronous communication (e.g. ALE checks) | SYNCHRON |
SYRECD | Determination of IDoc record types | SYRECD01 |
TEST01 | test | MATMAS01 |
TPSDLR | Shipping planning system: Trigger delivery selection | MATMAS02 |
TPSDLS | Shipping planning system: Transfer delivery | TPSDLR01 |
TPSDST | Status change notification for sales document | TPSDLS01 |
TPSLOC | Shipping planning system: Transfer location master data | TPSLOC01 |
TPSSHT | Shipping planning system: Transfer planned shipments | TPSSHT01 |
TXTRAW | Message for free text in SAPoffice format 'RAW' | TXTRAW01 |
UNIMA2 | Material-specific units of measurement | UNIMA2 |
UNIT2 | Units in KK2 | UNIT2 |
UNIT3 | Units in KK3 | UNIT3 |
UNIT4 | Units in KK4 | UNIT4 |
UPLOAD | Configuration transceiver for upload | UPLOAD |
VTAMAS | Structure of variant table | VTAMAS01 |
VTMMAS | Contents of variant table | VTMMAS01 |
WBBDLD | Order book: Product message | WBB_ID01 |
WMBBIN | Set Blocking Indicator for Storage Bins | WMBIID01 |
WMCATO | Reversal/Reversal request for transfer order | WMCAID01 |
WMINFO | Information | WMINID01 |
WMINVE | Inventory count input | WMIVID01 |
WMMBXY | IDoc Report goods movements in IM | WMMBID01 |
| WMMBID02 |
WMRREF | Release reference number | WMRRID01 |
WMSUMO | Move storage unit | WMSUID01 |
WMTOCO | Confirm transfer order | WMTCID01 |
WMTORD | Transport request | WMTOID01 |
WMTREQ | Create/Cancel transfer order | WMTRID01 |
WORKC2 | Workcenters in KK2 | WORKC2 |
WORKC3 | Workcenters in KK3 | WORKC3 |
WORKC4 | Workcenters in KK4 | WORKC4 |
WPDCUR | POS interface: Download exchange rates | WPDCUR01 |
WPDNAC | POS interface: Download products | WPDNAC01 |
WPDSET | POS interface: Download set assignments | WPDSET01 |
WPDTAX | POS interface: Download tax rates | WPDTAX01 |
WPDWGR | POS interface: Download material group master | WPDWGR01 |
WPUBON | POS interface: Upload sales documents (compressed) | WPUBON01 |
WPUERR | POS interface: Upload messages FWWS/POS/SCS | WPUERR01 |
WPUFIB | POS interface: Upload Fin.Acc. interface FWWS/POS | WPUFIB01 |
WPUPAE | POS interface: Upload price changes | WPUPAE01 |
WPUTAB | POS interface: Upload day-end closing POS | WPUTAB01 |
WPUUMS | POS interface: Upload sales data (compressed) | WPUUMS01 |
WPUWBW | POS interface: Upload goods movements | WPUWBW01 |
WP_EAN | POS interface: Upload/Download EAN assignments | WP_EAN01 |
WP_PER | POS interface: Upload/Download person data | WP_PER01 |
WP_PLU | POS interface: Upload/Download article master | WP_PLU01 |