Raspberry Pi_Eng_23.2.3 How to use Mathematica

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All of IOT Starting with the Latest Raspberry Pi from Beginner to Advanced – Volume 1
All of IOT Starting with the Latest Raspberry Pi from Beginner to Advanced – Volume 2

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최신 라즈베리파이(Raspberry Pi)로 시작하는 사물인터넷(IOT)의 모든 것 – 초보에서 고급까지 (상)
최신 라즈베리파이(Raspberry Pi)로 시작하는 사물인터넷(IOT)의 모든 것 – 초보에서 고급까지 (하)

Original Book Contents

23.2.3  How to use Mathematica


Here we will use the case to explain how to use notebook in Mathematica.    How to Write Program in Mathematica


   Entering and executing script


In Notebook window, click the screen and type the following. Press [Shift + Enter] to execute the command. It prints "Hello world" on the screen as shown below.


Print["Hello world"]

Hello World


You can do mathematical calculations by typing something that needs calculation in the following format.


In[2]:= 2 + 2


Out[2]= 4


In[3]:= 16254 / 32


Out[3]= 8127 / 16


In[4]:= 1024 * 32


Out[4]= 32768



   Editing Notebook


You can modify, add or delete the previous entered command by clicking it with mouse or moving with [Up/Down Arrow] key, and can execute the command again by pressing clicking [Shift + Enter] in its place.


You can open the previously saved Notebook again, and you can see that all the input and output contents are the same as before, you can execute each cell again with [Shift + Enter], you can execute all at once by selecting the menu Evaluation à Evaluate Notebook.



   Using variable


During program processing, you can store the calculation results in a variable if necessary. Enter as follows. Note that typing semicolon ; at the end of each line prevents output from printing.


radius = 5;

diameter = 2 * radius;

circumference = 2 * Pi * radius;

area = Pi * radius^2;



   Symbolic values


In the below, let's look at the built-in symbol Pi that has a symbolic constant value for “π”. When we enter "Pi" in equation, this means that a reference to the true value for “π” has been passed to equation and it is not rounded to the decimal point.


In[19]:= Pi


Out[19]: π


In[20]:= tau = 2 * Pi


Out[20]: 2 π


If you want to know the decimal representation of the symbolic constant, use N function


In[5]:= N[Pi]


Out[5]: 3.14159


Default significant figures for the symbolic constant are 6 digits. So the above result is 6 numbers. If necessary, you can also specify a higher precision for the second argument, as shown below.


In[6]:= N[Pi, 10]


Out[6]: 3.141592654


The precision specified here is the total number of digits. In the above, it can be seen that the decimal point 9 is displayed together with number 3.





Collections of data can be stored in a list.


nums = {1, 2, 3, 5, 8}

people = {"Alice", "Bob", "Charlotte", "David"}





You can easily create a list of number using “Range” function.


Range[5]        (*The numbers 1 to 5*)

Range[2, 5]     (*The numbers 2 to 5*)

Range[2, 5, 2]         (*The numbers 2 to 5, in steps of 2*)





Table function can create new list data using the values of a list.


Table[i ^ 2, {i, 10}]    (*Squares of the numbers 1 to 10*)

Table[i ^ 2, {i, 5, 10}] (*Squares of the numbers 5 to 10*)

Table[i ^ 2, {i, nums}]  (*Squares of the items in the list nums*)





You can run a loop a specified number of times or over the items in a list with Do function.


Do[Print["Hello"], {10}] (*Print "Hello" 10 times*)

Do[Print[i], {i, 5}] (*Print the numbers 1 to 5*)

Do[Print[i], {i, 3, 5}] (*Print the numbers 3 to 5*)

Do[Print[i], {i, 3, 5}] (*Print the numbers 1 to 5, in steps of 2*)

Do[Print[i ^ 2], {i, nums}] (*Print the square of each item in the list nums*)



   Function Help


If you put a question mark ? in front of the function name and execute [Shift + Enter], you can get usage help for the function. Next is checking the help for function Sqrt.

Square root function help



   Function Search


If you do not know a function name correctly, you can retrieve the list of functions matching the search condition at once by using a part of the function name and asterisk * as a wildcard together with question mark ?. Below is the result of finding all the functions that contain the letter "Device" in the name.


In[15]:= ?Device*

Function search



You can also use multiple wildcards as shown below. You will then be able to retrieve all the functions that meet the conditions.


In[16]:= ?*Close*

Search wildcards





You can annotate them in scripts in the format of (*comment*) using parentheses ( ) and asterisk *. These are ignored when the command is actually executed later.


Print["Hello"] (*Print "Hello" to the screen*)    Saving and Reusing Program


Once created, the program can be saved as a file using menu File à Save and reused. There are several formats available for saving it to a file. It can be saved as Wolfram notebook (.nb), Wolfram mathematica package (.m), Wolfram language package (.wl), or regular text file (.txt).


The data stored in a file can be re-opened and executed as it is or can be executed after modification. You can run each cell by using [Shift + Enter] or you can run the entire at once by selecting Evaluation à Evaluate Notebook in the menu.



   Running script in Shell with Wolfram


The scripts stored in Wolfram mathematica package (.m) or Wolfram language package (.wl) can also be executed directly from Shell using wolfram command, where -script flag must be used. In the following example, a script with print command is saved to test_print.m file. If you want to execute the script file directly from shell, execute as follows. This will print "Hello World" on the screen.


wolfram  -script      test_print.m

Wolfram script